Tooth loss can be a devastating problem for many individuals. No matter if it is multiple teeth or an entire row, the embarrassment and oral health problems that can stem from missing teeth may cause you to feel desperate for a solution. Fortunately, at Magnolia Shores Family Dental, Dr. Tristan Parry can deliver trusted prosthetics that are designed to restore your smile and give you the confidence you need. Using high-quality materials, we can ensure your dentures in Summerfield will look and feel natural and feel comfortable every single day. To learn more about dentures and the process of receiving them, contact our friendly team.
When you attend your appointment with Dr. Parry, your dentist in Summerfield, he will thoroughly evaluate your oral health before recommending a tooth replacement solution. Candidates for dentures have lost a significant number of teeth (if you have lost just one or two teeth, a bridge might be a better option). Different types of dentures are available to suit a range of patients, including those who want a budget-friendly way to rebuild their smile, as well as individuals who are interested in investing in dental implants. Until you visit, here’s what you should know about being a good candidate for dentures.
Some of the major reasons a person can lose their teeth include tooth decay, physical injury, gum disease, and infection. Whatever the case may be, those who’ve lost some or all of their smile can find it incredibly difficult to practice everyday oral habits, such as chewing, talking, and smiling comfortably. Not only will there be a higher risk of complications with your oral health, but you might also experience reduced self-confidence with your appearance. Leaving your situation unaddressed can lead to an unwillingness to engage in social events as well as a higher risk of problems like jawbone deterioration, facial sagging, and further tooth loss.
If you’re missing some or most of your teeth, then dentures can be of great benefit to you and your smile. This solution has been used for centuries and modern technology has only made these prosthetics more comfortable, effective, and lifelike than ever before. Our team will work with materials that can be specifically designed to fit your unique mouth, allowing you to make the most of natural-looking and functional artificial pearly whites.
Of course, before moving forward with your treatment plan, we’ll need to ensure that your oral health is in good shape. If you have issues like gum disease or decay, then we’ll need to address these before moving forward.
Some patients may not be good candidates or aren’t currently eligible for this option. Still, it isn’t the only solution for renewing your bite. Our team also offers other effective tooth-replacement options, such as:
When meeting with Dr. Parry to discuss which method is best to replace your missing teeth in Summerfield, he will likely recommend one of three options:
Using an acrylic, gum-colored base and artificial teeth, your partial denture will be crafted by lab technicians to ensure your prosthetic fits like a puzzle piece when put into place. Depending on the location of your missing teeth, your partial should easily fill in the gaps and anchor to your natural teeth using clips or clasps.
When it comes to an entire row of missing teeth, you can opt for a full denture. A top prosthetic is made to cover the entire roof of your mouth while a lower denture is made to resemble a horseshoe because of the necessary space allotted for your tongue. Made from the same materials as a partial denture, the prosthetic sits on top of your gums and is held in place by your natural suction; however, you are free to use a small bit of dental adhesive for added security.
Another option for individuals looking to replace an entire arch of teeth is implant dentures. Dr. Parry is proud to offer fixed and removable dentures that are attached to multiple dental implants that are secured to your jawbone. Requiring minor oral surgery, these prosthetics can remain firmly in place for a lifetime as long as you maintain proper care of them throughout the years.
Now that you know more about getting dentures in Summerfield, it’s natural to want to know more about the step-by-step process. Your artificial teeth are fully customized every step of the way, so it can take a few weeks to create them. Knowing more about each stage along the way can help you appreciate your newly refurbished smile that much more! Continue reading to learn more about how dentures are made, and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Your prosthetics are comprised of two main parts: the base of the dentures and the artificial teeth (or pontics.) Below, we’ve outlined a detailed description of each:
Building your dentures requires careful attention to detail combined with artistic creativity. Although it may differ slightly, typically, the step-by-step process includes:
Once you receive your dentures, it’s natural to want to make the most of them right away. However, it can take about a month for your tongue, gums, soft tissues, and supporting muscles in your mouth to adjust to wearing them. Developing some sensitivity or mild swelling is normal as you acclimate to the constant pressure. You can ease your transition by sticking to soft foods for a little while, like scrambled eggs, applesauce, pudding, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. You can also try using an adhesive cream that forms a layer of cushion between your dentures and your gums to give them a chance to heal.
If you experience pain or have challenges with ill-fitting dentures, contact us right away so we can ensure that your restoration works as intended.
Dentures are life-changing tooth replacement option for people who are missing many, most of, or all of their teeth. This tooth replacement option can restore the appearance function of your smile. Read on to learn about some of the incredible benefits that denture-wearers can experience.
If you don’t have any healthy teeth, it can be a difficult thing to accept. Many sufferers of extensive tooth loss encounter negative effects on their self-esteem and confidence, leading to a higher risk of sadness and depression. By restoring your smile with dentures, you can feel better about your image, reducing anxieties about your appearance, speech articulation, chewing ability, and more!
When you have spaces in your smile, it can be challenging to enunciate certain sounds and say different words. To pronounce words, your lips and tongue need to be positioned properly. When there are gaps in your smile, your tongue isn’t able to sit against the teeth, making some words nearly impossible to say.
Many nutrient-dense foods are tough in texture. This includes healthy proteins, fruits, and vegetables. If you can’t chew your food thoroughly thanks to missing teeth, this can negatively impact your eating habits, resulting in indigestion and malnutrition. With dentures, you can chew your food more easily, allowing you to enjoy an expansive diet.
If you still have some healthy teeth, dentures can help to keep them in even better shape. By filling in the gaps with a partial denture, you can keep the surrounding teeth from shifting around. Dentures also help to bear some of the weight of routine biting and chewing, limiting wear and tear on the existing teeth.
Making an excellent first impression is necessary when attending interviews, negotiating sales, and attending social events. Your smile is one of the very first things that people notice about you, so having teeth that appear to be healthy will do nothing but help. In fact, studies have found that the probability of being employed is negatively associated with poor dental health!
With everything that getting dentures entails, planning preliminary treatments and designing your new prosthetic, you have enough on your plate without fussing over the cost of the prosthetic.
For that reason, we work to make every part of getting dentures as easy as possible, including paying for them. We’ll give you a full estimate of what your prosthetic will cost when we meet you in person, before that, here’s some more general information about what dentures cost.
The cost of dentures can vary significantly, and understanding the key factors that influence it is crucial for making informed decisions about your dental health. Firstly, the preparation required before dentures can be worn plays a significant role, especially if teeth need to be extracted or additional dental work is necessary.
Secondly, the type of acrylic used for the base is a critical factor. This acrylic is dyed to match the color of your gum tissue, ensuring a natural appearance.
Lastly, the replacement teeth, typically made from acrylic or porcelain, greatly impact the cost. Lifelike and sturdy teeth are essential for durability and aesthetics. It's vital to remember that opting for the cheapest dentures may result in subpar materials. Quality should always be a top priority when it comes to what goes into your mouth.
Implant dentures indeed come with a higher price tag compared to traditional dentures, but their advantages justify the added expense. They stand apart from traditional dentures in several key ways: they are more permanent, exceptionally lifelike, boost confidence, enable a full and unrestricted diet, and eliminate issues like slipping or discomfort.
While the initial cost may be greater, implant dentures prove to be a long-term investment that pays off over time. Traditional dentures typically require replacement every 5-7 years on average, whereas implant dentures can last significantly longer, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.
Dentures are typically categorized as a major dental procedure, and it's likely that dental insurance may cover around 50% of their cost. However, it's essential to note that insurance coverage can vary widely, and specific benefits depend on individual plans. We will be happy to consult with your dental plan to confirm the extent of coverage before commencing treatment.
At our dental practice, you don't have to worry about insurance coverage to access essential dental care, including dentures. Whether you lack insurance or your current plan doesn't cover all your needs, we offer convenient financing options to help you manage the cost of treatment. You can explore options like CareCredit, Alphaeon, Proceed Finance, and Cherry, which allow you to break down the expenses into manageable monthly installments.
Many of these firms offer plans with minimal to no interest. If you have any queries about the application process or financing options, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how we can make quality dental care accessible to you.
Your new teeth can help transform your smile’s appearance and functionality for years, but that’s only if you care for them correctly. Regardless of how many teeth you have remaining, it’s still essential to keep up with your dental health. Scheduling regular checkups with our team allows us to monitor your dental health to spot and address any areas of concern, like loose dentures, gum disease, and even oral cancer, before they can progress.
Learning how to maintain your prosthetics can also help keep your mouth clean to prevent potential issues. Continue reading to learn how to keep your dentures looking and feeling great, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Your dentures can’t get cavities or gum disease, but they’re pressed against your connective tissues all day and can trap food debris and bacteria that contribute to oral issues. To prevent possible problems, remove them after eating and rinse them under cool to warm running water. This clears away any leftovers that attract harmful germs. However, avoid hot temperatures that can warp the base so it no longer fits.
Unwanted bacteria and leftover bits of food can cling to your prosthetics, leading to staining and/or bad breath. To keep them looking and smelling fresh, remove them twice daily to wash them thoroughly.
Then, gently scrub them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of mild dish soap or denture cleanser that won’t scratch them. (Traditional toothpaste is abrasive to the materials and should be avoided.) Then, rinse them thoroughly under running water and replace them in your mouth to continue your day.
These restorations are notoriously slippery when wet and soapy and can be chipped, cracked, or broken if they tumble from your fingers onto a hard surface or from a great enough height. To prevent this, try placing a soft towel beneath you during cleanings to protect them if they fall.
Also, store them out of the reach of small children or pets who don’t know how to handle them properly.
You may feel tempted to go to bed at night with your dentures in your mouth, but doing so increases the likelihood of gum disease and developing sores. Your connective tissues need a rest and a chance to heal after supporting them all day.
Leaving them in a glass of water or soaking solution while you snooze keeps them moist to maintain their shape and can potentially kill up to 99% of germs from their microscopic pores.
Paying attention to your oral condition helps you notice early signs of potential issues so that you can get help before they get worse. For example, if you notice darkened or inflamed gums, you may have developed a periodontal problem that needs to be addressed.
If your dentures are damaged, give our team a call rather than try to fix them at home. Many patients have made matters worse by using superglue or other household materials that can be toxic if ingested and aren’t intended for oral use.
If you have implant dentures, your at-home oral hygiene routine will look slightly different because they’re ‘permanently’ anchored in your mouth. To maintain them, you should brush twice daily using a soft-bristled brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid products with baking soda or other stain-removing agents that aren’t effective on your new teeth.
Then, floss them to remove leftover food and other debris. If you’re struggling to get a thorough clean, you can purchase threaders that help you reach beneath your restoration. You might also consider purchasing a water flosser to cleanse your gumline around your implants gently.
Finally, rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent plaque and tartar from growing.
Dentures in Summerfield are a go-to solution for tooth loss. They are a tried and proven method of replacing missing teeth. However, it's normal to have some concerns. Your dentist at Magnolia Shores Family Dental will discuss exactly what you can expect during your consultation. You can also find the answers to the most frequently asked questions below. Still can't find what you're looking for? Contact our office to speak with a member of our dental team.
Many people have concerns about an upper denture diminishing taste sensations or irritating the roof of the mouth. If either issue occurs, they are temporary. You can also choose from palateless options. You have several styles available, including those shaped like a horseshoe.
Your denture dentist in Summerfield will instruct you to wear your dentures for 24 hours after receiving them. However, after the first night, you must get in the habit of taking them out before going to bed. Your dentures will restrict blood circulation to your gums. Your tissues need a break to receive the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Not to mention, your mouth is home to hundreds of species of oral bacteria that can damage your restoration over time. It can also lead to an overgrowth of bacteria that can cause unpleasant odors. It’s best to take your dentures out before calling it a night. Besides cleaning your mouth and brushing your dentures, place them in an overnight soaking solution. It will kill any bacteria left behind by brushing and keeping your dentures moist while you sleep.
It is entirely possible to eat steak with dentures, but it isn’t always the best idea. Your dentures will allow you to enjoy many savory foods, including steak. However, steak requires a lot of chewing, which can put additional wear and tear on your dentures. The repetitive chewing can lead to gum or jaw pain. There’s also the risk of your dentures falling out if you aren’t careful. If you can’t resist a juicy steak, cut it into small pieces to make it easier to chew. You can also use a denture adhesive for more stability.
You rely on dentures every day. You can’t go without any teeth if your denture breaks. Therefore, it is a dental emergency. Don’t use any OTC repair kits or glue because they cause more damage. Not to mention, glue can contain toxic chemicals and doesn’t hold up well in moist environments. It’s better to contact our office. Stop wearing your dentures to avoid oral injuries. Wear an older one, if possible. We will get you into the office quickly for the necessary repairs or replacements.