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Restorative Dentistry – Summerfield, NC

We Can Rebuild Broken-
or Worn-Down Teeth

Since teeth don’t heal the same way that other parts of your body do, you’ll need our help to restore their size and strength after they’ve been damaged. Smaller cavities can typically be repaired with fillings, but more extensive decay or trauma is going to require a crown. If broken teeth are looking back at you whenever you smile in the mirror, call Magnolia Shores Family Dental today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Parry for restorative dentistry in Summerfield, NC.

Why Choose Magnolia Shores Family Dental for Restorative Dentistry?

Dental Crowns

Model smile with dental crown restoration

Dental crowns, as their name suggests, are placed on top of your teeth, completely covering them above the gum line. They’re often used to restore the shape and height of teeth that are broken or badly worn down; they will also hold a weakened tooth together so that you can still safely bite and chew your food. If you are worried about how your smile will look after receiving a restoration, we can make the crown out of porcelain, which can be shaded to match the rest of your smile.

Learn More About Dental Crowns

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Man sharing smile after tooth-colored filling restoration

After tooth decay has been removed, any enamel that was lost can be replaced with a filling. Most guests and dentists today prefer composite resin fillings for several reasons; not only can they be color matched to your teeth (meaning they’ll blend in so well most people won’t even realize that they’re there), but they bond directly to the tooth, meaning there’s no need to alter the underlying structure to hold the restoration in place.

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation

Man and woman smiling after full mouth rehabilitation

If most or all of your teeth need to be restored at once, we’ll have to plan the treatment very carefully. Not only will we likely have to use multiple crowns and fillings, but additional treatments (such as dental implant placement) might also be needed. A full-mouth rehabilitation is a process with several stages, and they are custom designed for each and every smile. The procedure might be recommended if your mouth has suffered from severe physical trauma or disease.

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