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Clear Aligners – Summerfield, NC

A Metal-Free Smile-Straightening Solution

Do you get frustrated when you see your smile in the mirror? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans are unhappy with their teeth and in many cases, it’s because they’re crowded or misaligned. Fortunately, you no longer have to deal with metal wires and brackets to get the straight grin you’ve always wanted from your cosmetic dentist in Summerfield. With Invisalign, you can discreetly and comfortably move your teeth into proper alignment. If you’d like to find out whether a metal-free smile-straightening solution is right for you, continue reading or give our office a call today!

Why Choose Magnolia Shores Family Dental for Invisalign?

How Invisalign Works

illistration for inivisalign in Summerfield

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gradually move your teeth into the desired positions. Each set of trays is worn for a predetermined amount of time, usually about two weeks. One significant advantage of Invisalign is that you don’t need to visit Dr. Parry as often as you would with traditional braces. You just need to see him every six weeks or so to pick up your new aligners and ensure everything is going according to plan.

Indications for Invisalign

Crooked teeth illistration for invisalign in Summerfield

Crowded Teeth

Do you feel like you have too many teeth in your mouth? If so, you may benefit from Invisalign. It’s crucial to fix crowded teeth as soon as possible because they make it difficult to brush and floss well which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Crowded teeth can also get worse over time.

Gaps Between Teeth

Having gaps between your teeth doesn’t just affect your appearance – it has an impact on your oral health as well. Gaps allow for food and bacteria to become trapped between the teeth which can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Bite Alignment

A misaligned bite can cause speech issues or tooth damage due to uneven pressure, but it is also common that your temporomandibular joints will feel strained. This can be painful to the point that it significantly impacts your quality of life. Invisalign can resolve a variety of bite issues like overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Cwoman taking out invisalign in summerfield

Counting on Invisalign treatment allows you to enjoy several benefits including:

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Piggy bank showing the cost of Invisalign in Summerfield

Finances should never stand in your way of achieving the straight, beautiful smile you deserve. Although there’s not a set fee for clear aligners, we offer several solutions to cover the cost of Invisalign in Summerfield. After examining your smile and creating a personalized strategy, Dr. Parry will provide you with an estimate. We’ll discuss all your payment options to invest in Invisalign without any added financial strain.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Woman at consultation for Invisalign

Each smile is unique, so it’s impossible to have a flat rate for Invisalign because everyone’s alignment and bite concerns differ. Various factors can affect the amount you’ll pay, such as:

  • Preparatory Work: Your smile must be healthy before beginning clear aligner treatment.
  • Number of Arches: If you’re treating both arches, you’ll have to pay the cost of both sets of aligners.
  • Complexity: Patients who require minimal adjustments need fewer aligners. The more complex your case, the higher you can expect your treatment to cost.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Set of clear Invisalign aligners

You’ve seen ads featuring mail-order braces, like Smile Direct Club™, which claim to be an affordable alternative to visiting an Invisalign dentist in Summerfield. Although you’ll spend less, it can cost you more down the road, including your smile. The ads don’t show the risks involved with the treatment because you’re not under the supervision of a professional. There are reports of patients experiencing permanent damage to their smiles, including tooth loss.

Although Invisalign in Summerfield may cost more, you’re paying for peace of mind. You’ll be under the supervision of a trained dental professional, like Dr. Parry, to monitor the movement of your teeth. If a complication arises, it will be addressed quickly to ensure it doesn’t leave a lasting mark on your smile.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Loose money on table

We believe everyone deserves to have a confident, healthy smile, no matter their financial situation. Our office offers several options to keep Invisalign affordable, including:

  • Traditional Payments: We accept all traditional payment methods, including cash, checks, and credit cards.
  • Third-Party Financing: Pay any out-of-pocket expense using low monthly installments after your credit approval.

You’ll know exactly what you’ll need to pay before committing to any treatment plan. Rest assured; you won’t be surprised by any unexpected fees, so you can feel confident about the decision you’re making for your smile. Contact our office today to see if Invisalign is right for you.

Invisalign FAQs

woman holding Invisalign clear aligner

Don’t want to go through the hassle of wearing metal wires and brackets? You don’t have to! Thanks to Invisalign in Summerfield, you can discreetly and comfortably achieve your dream smile. Of course, because it’s a truly unique process, it’s completely normal to have a few questions in mind before committing to treatment. At Magnolia Shores Family Dental, we want you to be as well-informed as possible, which is why we’ve decided to answer some frequently asked questions below. Should you not find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out for personal assistance!

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Since every case is unique, it’s impossible to know exactly how long your Invisalign treatment will take until you come in for an exam. There are several factors that must be taken into account, such as the severity of your dental misalignment and your commitment to the treatment plan. On average, it takes patients about 12 to 18 months to complete treatment. If you have mild dental misalignment, you may finish in as little as six months! Diligently following Invisalign instructions and visiting your dentist regularly will allow you to complete your treatment efficiently.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Not at all! The smooth plastic design of the clear aligners makes it one of the most comfortable orthodontic treatment options. Shortly after getting your Invisalign, you will go through an adjustment period where you experience mild soreness or discomfort. Some patients may characterize this as pain, but it should go away as you get used to treatment. It’s also worth noting that you may experience a small amount of pressure each time you switch to the next aligner in a series. Luckily, you can manage these side effects with over-the-counter pain medication and cold compresses.

What Happens After Invisalign?

After you finish Invisalign in Summerfield, you’ll visit Dr. Parry to confirm your results are exactly how you want them. He’ll ensure your teeth are in proper alignment before explaining how to maintain your results. Following your treatment, you’ll need to start wearing a retainer to preserve your new and improved grin. Retainers are crucial because they maintain your hard-earned results. In many cases, it’s recommended that you wear it full-time before gradually decreasing to only wearing it at night.

Can You Eat with Invisalign?

One significant advantage of Invisalign is that it’s completely removable! All you have to do is take out your aligners when it’s time to eat or drink anything that’s not water. Otherwise, eating with the plastic trays in your mouth will damage them, potentially causing cracks and stains. Whenever the aligners are not in your mouth, they should be removed and stored in a safe place.

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