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This Halloween, Put Your Fears of Having Sleep Apnea Treated to Rest

October 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — magnoliashores @ 8:31 pm
Man with sleep apnea waking up in middle of night

Being scared is all part of Halloween, but some fears simply aren’t fun – especially if they’re actively discouraging you from seeking the treatment you need. Some people with sleep apnea are worried about the steps that they may need to take to keep the disorder under control, but you shouldn’t let such concerns stop you from getting a good night’s sleep. Below is a look at the consequences of sleep apnea and the importance of having it treated promptly.

What Makes Sleep Apnea So Dangerous?

Having sleep apnea means that your breathing is repeatedly stopping and restarting while you’re asleep. Most of the time, sleep apnea is the result of the airway becoming obstructed by relaxed tissues in the mouth or throat.

Between the stress on the body due to a lack of oxygen and the brain repeatedly forcing you to wake up to resume breathing, sleep apnea can take its toll on your overall health in a variety of ways. When ignored, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression. You may also feel unusually tired during the day, which can increase your risk of getting into an accident at work or on the road.

Sleep apnea tends to grow worse over time, which means the impact it has on your overall health will become more and more severe. In short, leaving the disorder untreated is always a mistake; it’s better to act quickly to address the problem so that you can go back to enjoying all the benefits that come with a good night’s rest.

Treating Sleep Apnea Is Nothing to Be Afraid Of

Many people associate sleep apnea treatment with CPAP machines, which are known to be loud, bulky, and uncomfortable. This can make them reluctant to seek professional care. However, the drawbacks of CPAP pale in comparison to the life-threatening consequences that could occur if you continue to suffer from sleep apnea.

Furthermore, you may not even have to worry about using a CPAP machine at all. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your dentist might find that you are eligible for oral appliance therapy. With this treatment, there’s no noisy device to worry about; you simply place a customized oral appliance in your mouth just before bed so that it can keep your airway open while you’re asleep.

Don’t let Halloween pass by without committing to getting your sleep apnea under control. Start taking whatever steps you need to in order to have your sleep disorder diagnosed so that it can be treated appropriately.

About the Author

Dr. Tristan J. Parry went to Ohio State University for his Doctor of Dental Surgery. He has completed more than 500 hours of advanced training in a variety of specialties, and he is one of only 14 general dentists in North Carolina who has graduated from the Kois Center in Seattle, Washington. If you have sleep apnea, he may be able to help with a personalized oral appliance. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Parry at Magnolia Shores Family Dental in Summerfield, visit his website or call (336) 728-6153.

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